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White Springs Youth Tennis Program
At the 2010 Annual Meeting of the USTA-Florida held in Orlando, YTF board member Scott Harrison was in the audience
for a presentation by Tom Moore of White Springs, FL. Moore, who is a tennis pro and advocate for children, had rounded
up resources for a tennis court in tiny White Springs, five mile North of I-10 on I-75. However, he still needed fencing,
maybe some windscreen and a storage shed or mini-clubhouse for the court.
Harrison thought that YTF could be of assistance for this project and that the project fit the YTF mission. After
Moore’s presentation, Harrison introduced himself and they had a conversation concerning the possibility of the YTF
helping out at White Springs. In the end, the YTF provided about $6800 for fencing, a shed/clubhouse and windscreen
for the court at White Springs.
On May 17, 2011 the court at White Springs was dedicated at a
ribbon cutting ceremony
attended by the White Springs Mayor, Helen Miller, Tom Moore, Scott Harrison and USTA-FL representatives Doug Booth
(Executive Director), Robert Hollis (Share the Love), Linda Curtis (Director of Community Tennis), Mary Harowski (Share the Love) and Andy
McFarland (Associate Executive Director – Play Tennis Division), Rick Vach (Communications Coordinator) and local
White Springs volunteers.
The attendees watched while Tom Moore took his charges through an hour of QuickStart drills followed by a splendid
dinner at a cabin in the Stephen Foster Folk Culture State Park. The dinner was hosted by Mayor Miller and other
White Springs volunteers including barbecue chef extraordinaire, Teddy Bear, whose ribs and chicken were incomparable.
See more
The White Springs Ribbon Cutting
Ceremony, L to R, Doug Booth, Robert Hollis, Linda Curtis, Mary Harowski, Tom Moore, Helen Miller, Scott Harrison and Andy McFarland.
Photos below are of the progress of the courts and the children enjoying the area the first few days:
In late 2013, YTF Board Member Scott Harrison received an update from Tom Moore regarding the continued success of the White Springs project
since it's competion 2 years before.
Happy Holidays to you! Just wanted to thank you once again for your help in bringing tennis to the children in White Springs. It has been
two years since the court was built and we are still doing Saturday mornings with tennis, pink lemonade and brownies. These pictures were
taken last Saturday. A motley crew! Best to you all come by and see us some time.
Thanks again. Tom