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City of Madison Lanier Park Tennis Court Improvements
On August 8, 2017, the Youth Tennis Foundation of Florida (YTF) in the person of Board Member Scott Harrison
from Pensacola, attended a City of Madison Commissioners meeting to present a check in the amount of $2500 to
Commissioners Rayne Cooks and Ina Thompson. These funds went to assist in upgrading the Lanier Field Recreation
Area tennis facilities. Most of the YTF's funds went towards building the hitting wall.
YTF Board Member presents Rayne Cooks (left) and Ina Thompson with a
$2500 Check for Tennis Facility Improvements
The pictures below were taken in July of 2018 after the project was completely finished.
Overview of the City of Madison Lanier Field Recreation Area.
Lanier Field Tennis Courts
Close-Up of Lanier Field Tennis Courts
Lanier Field Tennis Court Donors
Lanier Field Hitting Wall